Friday, April 08, 2011



Growing old is a real pain in the ass and over the years I've found that out for myself but it's not because of the usual foibles and pitfalls you hear about it's merely because of the after-sound and the echoes which - for me - continue to resound and as they rattle and smash into each other they slowly change each other's coloration and reference so that after a while none of the memories any longer have any true 'surety' or certainty of their own worth or truth - in that it all may be a disguise a trick played by oneself upon one's own continuing reality and some (physician types rational beings clinicians and the rest of those mawkish dopes) go about calling it this or than dementia alzheimers even whatever they may and whatever they choose but for me is isn't that at all - it's instead the changeable fabric of a real existence : in and out of reality with so many things and the way memory works is weird always weird : like the guy at 'Point 'A' Countertop' - a sleazy restaurant/bar along Clinton Street where I sometimes went the guy said to me once (I didn't know what he meant or how much he'd imbibed already before this began) : 'The trouble now is I forget things I can't remember for sure what I even ate yesterday - I can't remember if my father was Dick Nixon or if he just called his dick Nixon - it was that long ago?' which actually I thought was hilariously funny and thanked him for and then he said 'that's nothing - I think of funny shit all the time the jokes and puns and one-liners just keep coming and FUCK ME! is all I've got left - like the other day I told the wife : 'honey we're both pretty old I think it's time for extra-marital sex' and she said 'I gave it to you all you wanted all these years and now you want extra! haven't I given you enough?' and I had to tell her of course that 'that's not what I mean by 'extra' you silly fop'' and then we both just stared laughing or at least I did - I guess she was too stunned and confused to understand.


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