Sunday, February 08, 2009



'I don't want to know about you neither your feckless aspiring to be something either - and besides what I'm told is you'll never be what you say you'll be anyway' he said that as if it was a slander and I responded 'yeah well then who ever is what they say?' and we left it at that - deep in the thicket of some stupid storm between people the type that passes quickly but leaves a lot of rubble the rubble of course which then becomes the main impetus of any further attention given - not the issue itself which precipitated it but the rubble left and how it's handled but all that's typical in any situation : they levelled about twenty nice trees today as I was watching for some new building that's coming in : a tech-center for the industry which claims to control motion picture feeds to the ether-net or whatever all that is - the sort of talk I never understand - but nonetheless the trees and the field were cut and all is now bare like some ridiculous lunar landscape awaiting a farm or something : how stupid is all this anyway and why : and if humanity is pledged to husband the Earth a mess has surely been made of all that a long time ago and Humanity must pay as I see it or what are compacts and covenants for and someone has to pay - just like the old blood-libel or blood-sacrifice to placate the old fiery Gods - all that crazy stuff from way back never was too far from the truth and it was all washed away over the years as we moved our concentration from it so that the picture itself over the years all changed but much of the original premise - still there - now seems to haunt people with all their fears of destruction and astral collisions and global warmings and all that shit that they'll never give up on anyway - all their stupid shampoos in plastic bottles and hairdresser's maintenance crap and sports and cars and recreation and entertainment things - all that stuff that should be blown away in an instant if there was really any justice or any definition which of course there isn't and because of that all meaningful association of life-to-truth or of any philosophical fidelity to what people do or have is gone away but no one realizes it and much of what were left with are lazy stupid bastards who won't acknowledge that they've got a deal with destiny just by being alive and that they've totally screwed it up big-time already : hello hello your Doom awaits.